The New Rosnay Triple Blend

Are our palates changing as much as our planet? It doesnt really matter, because the Rosnay Icon Triple Blend is taking a new direction anyway. In winter 2013, we (Sam and Simone and the kids) visited France, to study organic wine and viticulture in a hot climate like ours, as well as to catch up … Read more

54 Days The Movie – At Rosnay

Rosnay Organic Goes to Hollywood! Actually, its true! Who would have thought Rosnay Organic Wines would be the toast of Hollywood; on the screens of Sunset Boulevard and the beautiful Southern Californian fresh clean air Mountain retreat of Idyllwild? In January , Rosnay Organic wine had its moment of Hollywood glamour all courtesy of the New … Read more

Rosnay Accommodation Upgraded

As you may have noticed, we have had our online booking for the cottage disabled while we have been making some major changes to our accommodation offering. Now that Oli is back on the farm, he has moved into the cottage and the original farm house, which is semi detached from Richard and Florence’s house, … Read more

Vegan Wine – what about the PVPP

Its hard to live to a purist ideal in the modern world. One of the hardest things about being vegan is that you need to substitute so much in order to avoid using animal products. But in some cases, is the substitute worse than the protein? In many cases, it means using plastic instead of … Read more

Postcards – From here to there, and back again – Sunday 16th February

Sarah Coghlan (violin) & Cindy Fox (piano)  Postcards From here to there, and back again… A musical grand tour from Australia, through Europe and back home featuring: Bartok’s Rumanian Dances, Elgar’s Chanson de MatinetNuit as well as works by Greenbaum, Edwards, Schubert, Prokofiev, De Falla and Messiaen. Sunday 16th February 3:00pm All Saints’ Church Belmore St, Canowindra … Read more

Laughter is the Best Medicine – after Organic Wine!

Its an old adage that Laughter is the Best Medicine, but the growth of therapies using laughter to heal, backed by solid research, is no laughing matter. From parks to workplaces, pubs to nursing homes, from Singapore to Sydney, and from Alaska to Africa, people are joining “Laughter Clubs” and doing “Laughter Yoga” in their … Read more

Rosnay Spring Update – Rain and frost but no hail!

  We had a perfect kickoff with 30mm of rain on 18 September… There’s nothing like sleeping under a tin roof to the sound of rain knowing that its going to be such a good start to the season, and over the next two weeks the vines slowly sent forth the healthy new buds that … Read more

2013 Freedom Range Released

Preservative Free means the wine was made without any preservatives, in particular, sulfur dioxide. It is traditionally sought out by allergy sufferers but today it is increasingly appreciated for its own sake by wine “idealists” who have found that good examples are great drinking with fewer hangovers! We admit that though we are one of … Read more

Organic Wine Study Tour, France, June 2013

Published in Organic News, Winter 2013, NSW Department of Primary Industries

by Sam Statham, Rosnay Organic Wines, Canowindra, NSW

I have been growing organic grapes for over a decade, as well as other crops, and in 2012 I was the lucky winner of a study prize to improve my knowledge and business by going overseas. The award was the Inaugural NSW Organic Pioneers Award presented by the NSW Department of Primary Industries and industry sponsors.

As my mother is French and as I have cousins there, including some in the wine industry, I decided to go to France, and booked a trip for myself, my wife Simone and our three kids, with the funds from the award. Once we got there, we had accommodation sorted in a tiny village near Limoux, in the Pyrenees (famous for its sparkling that pre-dates Champagne), and we had a car lined up. Not much else had been organised.

Having spent one year in university in France 20 years ago almost, I knew that there was some good wine in the Languedoc region, which shares a similar hot, dry and sometimes extreme climate as we love in Australia, but which is challenging for making good wine, especially organic wine. However, thanks to the heat and low humidity, the region is also the home of most of the country’s organic and biodynamic wine producers.

signature bio 2013
Wine judging at Signature Bio 2013

Before going, I had contact with an association of over 200 certified organic Languedoc growers known as SudVinBio, and was lucky to be offered a position of associate judge in Signature Bio, their annual wine show, which is normally only for trade and media, on the coast near Narbonne. We drove down via some back roads and cathar castles, and stayed in an almost empty motel. The wine show was much bigger than its equivalent run by Max Allen in Australia, especially in the number of judges, probably over 50 of us. I met the renowned British master of wine and specialist in the Languedoc, Rosemary George, oenologists, somelliers and trade. I also got to taste some great organic wines made from old varieties that I later traced back to the vineyards where they were grown as the basis of my research.

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