Biodynamic Horns at Boorowa

We have been using the Biodynamic preparations at Rosnay since 1997. We dont make the horns here every year, but we have made them about 5 times over the years, and otherwise bought them from the association, other growers or from Hamish Mackay.

Last week a few of us from Rivers Road Organic Farms (me, my dad Richard, and my neighbours Susan and Harold) drove to Boorowa to help Hamish digging up biodynamic horn manure. Its always a pleasure to spend time with Hamish who has been using and promoting biodynamics for 50 years. Without wanting to sound too religious, he is a biodynamic guru!

Hamish works together with Charlie Arnott at his farm “Hanamino”. It was almost a decade since we were there last and its looking fantastic under Charlie’s biodynamic, regenerative management.

We got back and the next day sprayed the whole farm with the horn manure, also known as “Preparation 500”, to spread the good bugs and the “good vibes”(not a concept to raise with the hard science skeptics out there – they will understand what I mean when they are ready!)

If you are ever out at the cellar door or visiting Rosnay feel free to ask if we have a bit of “500” to spare for you to try in your own garden.

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